Satisfaction guarantee

The satisfaction guarantee provided by our company is a testament to our commitment to providing exceptional cleaning services to our clients. We hold ourselves to high standards of quality and are confident in our ability to completely satisfy our customers’ cleaning needs.

In the event that our cleaning services do not meet our clients’ expectations, we offer a simple and straightforward satisfaction guarantee. If a customer is dissatisfied with any portion of our cleaning services, they must notify us within 3 days of the cleaning service. We will then dispatch our team to immediately rectify the situation by addressing any issues and ensuring complete satisfaction. Our commitment to our customers’ satisfaction does not end until they are completely satisfied with the quality of our cleaning services.

To reiterate, our satisfaction guarantee promises that any complaints received within 3 days of our cleaning service will be addressed at no additional cost to the customer. This guarantee covers any deficient cleaning components and serves as an assurance to our clients that they can trust His and Hers Cleaning Solutions LLC as their preferred cleaning service provider.

We believe that our satisfaction guarantee is a reflection of our commitment to providing our clients with the best quality cleaning services. We are confident that it will instill trust in our customers and demonstrate our unwavering commitment to their satisfaction.

Thank you for your legal support in creating this important disclosure form.

Best regards,
His and Hers Cleaning Solutions LLC